Prayer List: 18,000 Killed in Iraqi Conflict; 3 Million Refugees

Children at a Syrian refugee camp set up for Iraqis fleeing ISIS. Picture: Rachel Unkovic/International Rescue Committee – CC
The United Nations reports, “Civilians continue to suffer the most from the non-international armed conflict in Iraq. From 1 January 2014 through 31 October 2015, UNAMI/OHCHR recorded at least 55,047 civilian casualties as a result of the conflict, with 18,802 people killed and 36,245 wounded.”
The armed conflict has created a refugee crisis. The United Nations also notes, “Civilians continue to flee their homes and communities in massive numbers. From January 2014 through 29 September 2015, a total of 3,206,736 persons became internally displaced in Iraq, including over 1 million school age girls and boys.”
Source: Report on the Protection of Civilians in the Armed Conflict in Iraq: 1 May – 31 October 2015
Prayer List:
* Pray for the Holy Spirit to comfort Iraqis mourning the deaths of family members and friends.
* Pray for healing for Iraqis injured in the conflict.
* Pray for the refugees’ basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, medical care,jobs and education) to be met.
* Pray for the Holy Spirit to change the hearts of ISIS terrorists so that they lay down their weapons and pursue peace.
Recent Prayer Focus Articles:
* Prayer List: The Future of Television
* Prayer List: 8 to 10 Million Refugees Heading to Europe