
Prayer List: Five Dallas Officers Murdered


NBC’s Dallas TV station reports, “Five officers are dead — four Dallas police officers and one Dallas Area Rapid Transit officer — in what authorities called a sniper ambush on police officers at the end of a peaceful protest against nationwide officer-involved shootings Thursday night.”

The violent attack followed the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, two black males at the hands of the police.

Prayer List

* Pray for the Holy Spirit to comfort the families, friends and co-workers of the police officers and the victims of police brutality so they may endure emotional pain following these tragic deaths.
* Pray for justice for the victims of police brutality.
* Pray for healing for the injured police officers.
* Pray for God to give discernment to police officers so they will not cause harm.
* Pray for people exploiting racial tensions to repent.
* Pray for victims of racial prejudice to forgive the perpetrators.
* Pray for unity in the body Christ that will transcend racial divisions and be a witness to the world.
* Pray for racial reconciliation throughout the world.