Prayer List: Three Baton Rouge Police Murdered
The Associated Press reports, “A former Marine dressed in black and carrying extra ammunition ambushed police in Baton Rouge, shooting and killing three law enforcement officers less than two weeks after a black man was fatally shot by police there in a confrontation that sparked nightly protests that reverberated nationwide.”
Prayer List
* Pray for the Holy Spirit to comfort the families, friends and co-workers of the police officers and the victims of police brutality so they may recover from the emotional pain following these tragic deaths.
* Pray for justice for the victims of police brutality.
* Pray for healing for the three injured police officers.
* Pray for God to give discernment to police officers so they will not cause harm.
* Pray for people exploiting racial tensions to repent.
* Pray for victims of racial prejudice to forgive the perpetrators.
* Pray for unity in the body Christ that will transcend racial divisions and be a witness to the world.
* Pray for racial reconciliation throughout the world.
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