Prayer List: Unreligious Outnumber Christians in the UK
The New York Times reports on the decline of Christianity in the United Kingdom: “For Christian believers, the most alarming news came in recent days in a report based on a British Social Attitudes survey, which concluded that, for the first time, the number of people in England and Wales identifying themselves as having no religious affiliation (49 percent) exceeded those who cleaved to Christianity (44 percent).”
There is also a growing number of unreached people groups in the United Kingdom because of immigration. According to the Joshua Project, these 32 people groups represent 4,758,000 people.
Prayer List
* Pray for repentance and revival in the Church of England.
* Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring conviction on adults that grew up in the church but abandoned their faith.
* Pray for Christians in the UK to have discernment and reject the prosperity gospel and other false teaching.
* Pray for new church plants to evangelize and disciple the unreached people groups.