Prayer List: Jury Trial for Carra Crouch vs TBN Begins May 1st
In 2012 Carra Crouch, the granddaughter of TBN founders Paul and Jan Crouch, sued the religious TV network for allegedly covering up her rape by failing to report it to the police. The Orange County Register broke the story and reported, “Carra Crouch was not permitted to talk to the police about the incident, and was not permitted to seek the counsel of any third parties or sex abuse counselors at the time, and has suffered severe emotional distress as a result, according to the suit.”
The case goes to trial on May 1st, 2017 and can be tracked through the Superior Court of Orange County website.
Case Number: 30-2012-00577733
Year Filed: 2012
Prayer List
* Pray for the jurors hearing hear this case to have discernment and to decide the case in an honest and fair manner.
* Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict Carra, John Casoria, the attorneys, and expert witnesses on both sides of any falsehoods they may have shared regarding this incident.
* Pray for reconciliation and repentance in the courtroom.
* Pray for emotional healing for victims of sexual assault.